Welcome to the Midwest Tractor Rides Website!
First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you for utilizing this site, and for spreading the word - unique site visitor numbers are absolutely remarkable! We had nearly 11,00 SITE VISITS last year!​
I recently had my fifth left knee surgery. I am now recovering and have just started physical therapy. I will be undergoing extensive therapy sessions for the next three to five months, with an additional recovery time of 6-7 months leading me up to exactly one year before I am fully healed and able to go back to work.
From this point forward, rides will be posted during the FIRST WEEK OF EVERY MONTH, unless I otherwise have a free moment to update the site. I am sad to have to put this site on the "back burner" so to speak, but my health and recovery are my main priority, especially since I am only 22 years old.
Even with everything that my family and myself have encountered over the last year - I REMAIN OPTIMISTIC - that 2022 will be a better year! Thank you again for all of your support, and understanding!
God Bless!
Thank You for making this such a success!
~Kirk Langner
Website Administrator
Funding for this site is provided by, The Harold King Memorial Tractor Ride, Inc, a non-profit organization. Any and all donations are welcome!!
We strive to provide information regarding any tractor ride events in the Midwest!
Our mission is to keep the public informed about when these rides take place!
Anyone may submit an event for an upcoming tractor ride under the "Submit an Event" tab.
We are headquartered in Schaller, Iowa where multiple nearby Tractor Rides take place every year. Many of our local drivers enjoy
hauling their antique tractors to neighboring states to participate in other Rides throughout the Midwest.