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Recent Midwest Tractor Rides Updates!



FEBRUARY 2, 2022:

First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you for utilizing this site, and for spreading the word - unique site visitor numbers are absolutely remarkable! 


I have, once again, been receiving a lot of emails and hearing a pretty significant amount of chatter about why the website has not been getting updated as regularly as it normally does, and now that I have a few spare moments, I am going to tell you why. 


If you've been with us for a while, you know that I have had significant problems with my left knee. Even after my two surgeries last year, for a total of four on my left knee, the problems still persisted. I got referred to the University of Iowa where I found out that I would have to undergo a fifth surgery. During this surgery, they had to do a Lateral Meniscus Transplant and a Femoral Osteotomy as my femur was leaning more than five degrees off-center to the outside of my leg. This has left me, once again, in a position where I am on crutches with limited mobility as I am only able to use my right leg at this point. 


I am now recovering and have just started physical therapy. I will be undergoing extensive therapy sessions for the next three to five months, with an additional recovery time of 6-7 months leading me up to exactly one year before I am fully healed and able to go back to work. 


From this point forward, rides will be posted during the FIRST WEEK OF EVERY MONTH, unless I otherwise have a free moment to update the site. I am sad to have to put this site on the "back burner" so to speak, but my health and recovery are my main priority, especially since I am only 22 years old. 


I would also like to report that, tragically, after last fall's update, my grandfather who underwent heart surgery and had a massive stroke, lost his battle to his illness. Things went from bad to good, to bad, to good, to the worst-case scenario. So, once again, myself and my family have been really hit hard by bad things, but I remain optimistic that 2022 will be a better year, not only for myself and my family but for you all as well. 


Thank you again for all of your support, and understanding! 

God Bless! 


AUGUST 2021:

First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you for utilizing this site, and for spreading the word - unique site visitor numbers are absolutely remarkable! 


I have recently been receiving a lot of emails and hearing a pretty significant amount of chatter about why the website has not been getting updated as regularly as it normally does, and now that I have a few spare moments, I am going to tell you why. 


Myself, and my immediate family have had some pretty significant health setbacks this year - starting with myself back in April when I had my third knee surgery. Most recently, my grandfather underwent surgery to have a triple bypass, and a leaky valve repaired, which was not expected what-so-ever. The same week, the same grandfather suffered from a massive stroke and was in ICU hanging on by a thread. I am glad to report that he is now stable and is undergoing physical, occupational, and speech therapy at a rehabilitation center. Furthermore, the same week my grandfather had his surgery and stroke,  I once again went under the knife for my fourth knee surgery, and just about as soon as I got home from the hospital we called the ambulance for my father as he could not walk. He was transferred from a local hospital that night to a trauma center where we later learned that he fractured his T-12 Vertebra, and would have to undergo surgery himself. I am also glad to report that he is doing well while he is going through a rather rigorous physical therapy routine.


As for myself... well, I start going back to physical therapy this coming week, and if this round of therapy does not work, I will be getting a second opinion as to why my knee still is not functioning correctly, and more than likely will have to undergo a fifth knee surgery.


I am not emailing you all of this because I want sympathy for my family or myself, rather, because I feel it is necessary for the people who utilize the website to have an explanation as to why it hasn't been updated regularly as of late. 


I am extremely sorry for the delays, and if your rides have past and I did not get them posted in time, do know, that I am sincerely sorry for not getting it posted to the site. Family is very important to me, and they will always come first. 


I hope you all have a blessed weekend! 


~Kirk Langner 

Volunteer Admin.  

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